This section intoduces the AMIgo controls for .NET

What is AMIgo

AMIgo is a suite of .NET Components and User Controls that offers a high level access to the Asterisk® open source PBX software system's Manager Interface (AMI).

AMIgo offers a high level access to the AMI and allows to remotely monitor, control and setup any Asterisk® open source PBX software system, version 1.2 and up (1.4 for setup functions), for which a manager access is available.

Application can be written in any of the .NET supported languages (C#, C++, Visual Basic ...) and run on Windows XP SP2 and up.

Monitor and Interact: AMIgo offers an extensive set of visual controls which supports drag and drop and offers context menus to display and interact with extensions / trunks, active channels, active calls, queues, queues members, queues calls, agents, conferences and conferences users. and conferences users.

Setup and configure: AMIgo also offers a set of visual controls to create, delete and edit Users, Agents, Queues, Conferences as well as a configuration file and dialplan editors.

See: Components for a description of the Controls and Components in the AMIgo suite.

See: Features for a description of features offered by the AMIgo suite.

See: Using AMIgo for simple applications examples.

AMIgo Controls
HelloAMIgo World

See Also