This section explains how to use the command line compiler to build a simple application
Without Visual Studio
![]() |
The source code for this example can be found in the Examples\Example2 directory |
You can also use the command line compiler (csc) to compile an application.
Copy the code below and paste in a new file named HelloAMIgoWorld.cs.
Then type: csc /t:winexe HelloAMIgoWorld.cs /r:[path]AMIgo.dll to build the program. This is an exact equivalent of the Hello AMIgo World.
1using System;
2using System.Drawing;
3using System.Windows.Forms;
4using AMIgo;
6// A simple AMIgo application to be used with the command line compiler
7public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
9 private AMI_Client AMI_Cli; // The AMI_Client object
10 private AstSite ASite; // A site definition object
11 private AMIgoCommandPanel ACmdPanel; // AMIgo Command panel
12 private AMIgoStatusStrip AStatusStrip; // AMIgo Status Strip
13 private ListViewLines ALinesListView; // AMIgo Lines ListView display
14 private ListViewChannels AChannelsListView; // AMIgo Channels ListView display
15 private SplitContainer splitContainer1; // For the two list view
16 //+============================================================+
17 public Form1()
18 {
19 //this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);
20 SetupLayout();
21 }
22 //+============================================================+
23 private void Form1_Load(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
24 {
25 SetupLayout();
26 //if (AMI_Cli.AutoStart == false)
27 // AMI_Cli.Start(this);
28 }
29 //+============================================================+
30 private void SetupLayout()
31 {
32 this.Size = new Size(800, 600); // Set the main form size
33 // Create a new AstSite object with Host and manager account info. for the target system.
34 ASite = new AstSite("Site Name", "Host or domain", "5038", "MyUserName", "MyPassword", false);
35 // Create a new AMI_Client object with a reference to the main form (this) and the AstSite object
36 //AMI_Cli = new AMI_Client(this, ASite);
37 // Or start and use the Connection button to connect
38 // NOTE: The 'this' parameter which represents the main form will be used to
39 // synchronize the events with the main thread.
40 AMI_Cli = new AMI_Client(this);
41 // If you use the next constructor, the events will not be synchronised to the main thread.
42 // You will need to call Invoke for any update to the User Interface.
43 //AMI_Cli = new AMI_Client();
45 // Setup events handlers for the peers and channels details events.
46 AMI_Cli.PeerDetailsEvent += new StatusEventHandler(AMI_Cli_PeerDetailsEventHandler);
47 AMI_Cli.ChannelDetailsEvent += new StatusEventHandler(AMI_Cli_ChannelDetailsEventHandler);
48 // Create a new AMIgo command panel and set it to dock to the top of the form.
49 ACmdPanel = new AMIgoCommandPanel(AMI_Cli);
50 ACmdPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
51 // Create a new AMIgo Status strip and set it to dock to the bottom of the form.
52 AStatusStrip = new AMIgoStatusStrip(AMI_Cli);
53 AStatusStrip.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
54 // Create a split container, with horizontal splitter and blue background
55 this.splitContainer1 = new System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer();
56 this.splitContainer1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 30);
57 this.splitContainer1.Orientation = System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal;
58 this.splitContainer1.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaption;
59 // Set is to fill the remaining space on the form.
60 this.splitContainer1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
62 // Create an AMIgo ListViewLines and set it to fill it's container
63 ALinesListView = new ListViewLines(AMI_Cli);
64 //this.ALinesListView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
65 ALinesListView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
67 // Create an AMIgo ListViewChannels and set it to fill it's container
68 AChannelsListView = new ListViewChannels(AMI_Cli);
69 //this.ALinesListView.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
70 AChannelsListView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
71 // Set the ListViewLines in the top panel and the ListViewChannels in the bottom panel
72 // of the split container
73 this.splitContainer1.Panel1.Controls.Add(this.ALinesListView);
74 this.splitContainer1.Panel2.Controls.Add(this.AChannelsListView);
76 // Add the Command Panel, Status strip and splitcontainer to the form.
77 this.Controls.Add(this.splitContainer1);
78 this.Controls.Add(this.AStatusStrip);
79 this.Controls.Add(this.ACmdPanel);
80 }
81 //+============================================================+
82 // This event is triggered in the AMI_Client thread but synchronised to the main form's thread.
83 // So it is safe to update UI elements from within this event handler.
84 private void AMI_Cli_PeerDetailsEventHandler(object sender, StringMsgEventArgs ev)
85 {
86 AMIgoDisplayForm df = new AMIgoDisplayForm("Peer Details", ev.string_msg);
87 df.Show();
88 }
89 //+============================================================+
90 private void AMI_Cli_ChannelDetailsEventHandler(object sender, StringMsgEventArgs ev)
91 {
92 AMIgoDisplayForm df = new AMIgoDisplayForm("Channel Details", ev.string_msg);
93 df.Show();
94 }
95 //+============================================================+
96 [STAThreadAttribute()]
97 static void Main()
98 {
99 Form1 app = null;
100 try
101 {
102 app = new Form1();
103 Application.EnableVisualStyles();
104 Application.Run(app);
105 }
106 catch (Exception ex)
107 {
108 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
109 }
110 }