AMIgo A suite of .NET component and controls for the Asterisk Manager Interface
Updated V April 21st 2011
Extended trial time

NEW: Using the AMI_Client in an ASP.NET Web Application example.
How to use the AMI_Client to add 'click to call' and Database Call lookup for a Web Application.
(See Documentation)
AMIgo is a suite of .NET Components and User Controls that offers a high level access to the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI).

AMIgo offers a high level access to the AMI and allows to remotely monitor, control and setup any Asterisk® open source PBX software system, version 1.2 and up (1.4 for setup functions), for which a manager access is available.

Monitor and Interact: AMIgo offers an extensive set of visual controls which supports drag and drop and offers context menus to display and interact with extensions / trunks, active channels, active calls, queues, queues members, queues calls, agents, conferences and conferences users. and conferences users.

Setup and configure: AMIgo also offers a set of visual controls to create, delete and edit Users, Agents, Queues, Conferences as well as a configuration file and dial plan editors.

Application can be written in any of the .NET supported languages (C#, C++, Visual Basic ...) and run on Windows XP SP2 and up.


Operator Control Panel

Build your own, full featured operator control panel, and customize to your needs.

Collapse imageCustom Call Center / ACD/ Conferencing

Build call center management application. Manage queues and agents and monitor in real time. collect stats on agents etc ...

Collapse imageCustom applications

Build custom call center / conferencing applications.

Build programs to setup and monitor sytems remotely.

Collapse imageIntegration of telephony function in your applications

You can use AMIgo to integrate telephony functions into your applications. Some examples:

  • Click to call from a database of clients, vendors
  • Contact Database with popup screen.

Components and controls

Components and Controls

  • AMI_Client

    The Asterisk Manager Interface Client which is the main central component, implements an Asterisk® Manager Interface (AMI) client in a Thread. The AMI Client's main functions are to handle the communication between the application and the AMI, to parse all of the messages into synchronised lists and to provide high level synchronised events (that can be safely used to update UI element's, from the main application's thread) for the events and messages sent by the AMI.

    The AMI_Client, effectively maintains a complete 'picture' of the connected system, lines, channels, queues, agents, conferences etc. into syncronized list. These are used to update the AMIgo user interface elements and to provide synchronize events, which greatly simplify the task of updating the user interface from events occuring in the AMI_Client thread.

    The AMI_Client supports almost all of the available AMI command (From V1.2 to 1.8) and also provides numerous higher level methods to send commands to the AMI server, modify the configuration and get informations on the connected system.

    In addition to the AMI_Client component, the AMIgo suite offers a list of high level user interface elements to display, monitor, interact and setup the extensions, channels, agents, queues, conferences, etc on any asterisk system, local or remote, for which a manager access is available.

  • AMIgo ListViews:

    The AMIgo ListViews controls display the PBX elements in a multi layout Listview display, similar to the one used in the Windows' File explorer. These provide a visual real time display of the status and activity of the PBX system. The AMIgo ListViews also support drag and drop which allows, for instance, to transfer calls, by dragging the channel icon to a selected target, which can be an extension, a queue, a conference, a voice menu or an application. The AMIgo LisViews displays also offer a context menu, which is accessible by right clicking on an item.

    The ListView controls: ListViewLines, ListViewChannels, ListViewCalls, ListViewQueues, ListViewQueueMembers, ListViewQueueEntries, ListViewAgents, ListViewAgentsCalls, ListViewConferences, ListViewConferenceUsers

  • AMIgo DataGridViews:

    The AMIgo DataGridViews display the PBX elements in a tabular format. The AMIgo DataGridViews content, is a reflexions of the Synchronised list that contains the information collected on the various items of the system.

    The AMIgo DataGridView displays offer a context menu, wich is accessible by right clicking on a table line

    DataGridView controls: DataGridViewLines, DataGridViewChannels, DataGridViewQueues, DataGridViewQueueMembers, DataGridViewQueuesEntries, DataGridViewAgents, DataGridViewAgentsEntries

  • AMIgoCommandPanel:
    The AMIgoCommandPanel is made of a toolbar which give access to the AMIgoSitesManager and to the AMIgoDropTarget and displays the current connection information and status. It also offers a low access level to the Asterisk Manager Interface through a collapsible command panel which offers the following commands:
    • CLI commands: Displays a list of CLI commands available on the currently connected system, and allows to send commands with parameters.
    • Modules: Displays a list of the loaded modules and allows to reload, or load / unload modules.
    • Config File Editor: Displays a list of configuration files and allows to load them in the AMIgoConfigEditorForm.
    • AstDB: Display the content of the AstDB and offer an interface to add, edit or delete entries.
    • Originate: Offers an interface to send originate extension or originate application commands with full control of the parameters.
  • AMIgoSitesManager:

    The AMIgo Sites Manager control implements a XML database of AMI hosts containing host and login information for a quick and easy, single click access to a list of asterisk manager sites. This component creates and allows to edit the XML database.

  • AMIgoConfigEditorForm:

    The AMIgoConfigEditorForm allows to edit and update the asterisk configuration files. There is also a cusom editor to display and edit the dialplan by contexts.

  • AMIgoDropTarget:

    The AMIGO Drop target form displays a list of extensions, queues, conferences, voice menus and applications that are defined on the system and allows to originate or transfer calls to selected destination by draging and droping items from the ListView displays (extensions, active, channels, calls and agents).

  • AMIgo Setup Panels and Forms.

    The setup controls allow to create, edit or delete, users, lines, agents, queues, conferences etc.

    Setup / config controls: AMIgoSetupPanel, AMIgoSetupAgentForm, AMIgoSetupConferenceForm, AMIgoSetupQueueForm

Visual Studio 2005 and Up
.Net Framework 2.0
Applications runs on Win XP SP2 and up.

Version realeased 04/04/2011
Fixed GetExtensionStatus call on startup, not called in some asterisk setup.

Fixed a problem where the AMIgo components where not available to be added to Visual Studio Toolbox on some setups.
Installing the updated version will reset the trial time to the full 31 days if first installed before this update date.